ALUM Windows
Quality Aluminium Windows Adelaide
Commercial & Residential Aluminium Windows
Custom Built For The Perfect Fit
Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Doors

Security Screens

Windows and Doors
Alum Windows provides high quality, high strength, amazing value aluminium windows and doors to builders, designers, property developers and architects across Adelaide. Our market-leading designs seamlessly combine years of research and development with style, endurance and performance to deliver a beautiful blend of form and function.
Aluminium Windows
Custom Aluminium Window & Door Solutions
The team at Alum Windows provide custom aluminium windows and door solutions so you’ll never need to compromise on style or performance. With endless window and door configurations, we’ll work with you to ensure your design vision is realised so you can build with confidence, knowing that your windows are robust and compliant.
Tried & Tested Window & Door Systems
Windows and doors are critical elements in the design and performance of a building, so we’ll never compromise on quality. Our professional fabricators only use quality parts from Australia’s leading Aluminium extruder Alspec, so you know that all our systems are thoroughly tested to meet or exceed the relevant Australian Standards.
Flexibility – Custom Sizes, Configurations & Colours
With today’s design developments, our aluminium extrusions provide choice and flexibility for clients. We can fabricate multiple types of windows and offer a range of residential semi commercial and commercial profiles so large or small we’ve got the perfect window for your requirements. Plus, with a choice of anodised or powder coat finishes and customisable hardware, the design possibilities are endless.
Choice Of Glass
We can easily achieve the desired aesthetic, acoustic or thermal performance for your building because our windows are designed to take any type of glass. Our expert designers can help you achieve the specified U rating using single or double glazing, e-glass, laminated, or thickened glass options. Plus, our glass is available in a range of privacy, textured or etched finishes.
Performance You Can Trust
Quality & integrity are the cornerstones of our business, so we back all our windows and doors with a 7- year manufacturer’s warranty.

Innovating In Aluminium Windows & Doors
Alum Windows and doors are backed by years of research and development, so they have a multitude of built-in performance features, including
Concealed cavities
– for easy cleaning
Weatherproof flaps
– to minimise drafts and water ingress
Smooth glide rollers
– for ease of use.
Anti-Lift Blocks
– for enhanced security
Aluminium Windows
Easy Ordering & Personal Service
Our team pride itself on providing fast, efficient and personalised service. We like to build lasting relationships with our clients, so we’ll keep our promises and keep you informed throughout the process. Our team provide expert technical help and a free quotation service to make ordering windows and door stress-free and easy.

Free Quotes

Rapid Turnaround

Onsite Delivery

Full Technical Back-Up
Australian Made Aluminium Windows and Doors
We believe in supporting local businesses and industry. All our aluminium windows and doors are manufactured onsite at our factory showroom at Edinburgh, South Australia using premium Australian aluminium extrusions. Our windows and doors are built to the highest quality standards and are designed to function in the harshest environments, including cyclone and bushfire areas.